Embracing Change: Innovation and Adaptability in Modern Agile

Bogdan Abrudan, one of our Squad Leads, explains from his own experience and industry best practices how the modern "Agile" methodology is essential for responding quickly and efficiently to industry changes, especially during crises of their aftermath, such as the post-pandemic effects the market is still feeling.

This article was previously featured in the June 2024 issue of Today Software Magazine.

Embracing Change: Innovation and Adaptability in Modern Agile

Whether you are a technical specialist or a manager, this article is for you. Knowledge of the methodology should not be exclusive to the delivery team, just as attention to the team should not come solely from managers. 

In modern times, adaptability is not just a desirable trait but a necessity for survival in the market. The "Agile" method can be viewed as much more than a simple methodology; it is a necessity for responding quickly and efficiently to constant changes in the industry. 

Currently, the post-pandemic effects are already visible, and geopolitical conflicts can trigger cascading crises, which in turn have a significant impact on various industries, including IT. In times of crisis, decisions must be well-founded and thoroughly analysed. How can we respond while still making rational decisions? 

Launched in 2001, the Agile Manifesto revolutionised not just the IT field but many other sectors. Modern Agile asks us to be simpler, more flexible, and focused on fundamental principles that include continuous improvement and upholding core values. How do we manage to keep the essentials during a crisis? 

Upholding Core Values  

The essence of adaptability lies in preserving functional values and continuously improving them, rather than making radical changes.

Today's evolution is complex and multidimensional, encompassing economic and social transformations, technological advancements, security, and information.  

We see this type of preservation of core values in methodologies as well. Like the Agile Manifesto, Modern Agile maintains terms like continuous delivery and a focus on people.  

Let's further visualise the principles of Modern Agile for a better overview.  

Modern Agile: Fundamental Principles  

Modern Agile is an evolution of the traditional Agile methodology, designed to be simpler, more flexible, and focused on fundamental principles:  

1. Make People Awesome: We are talking about stakeholders

Is it about customers or employees? In fact, we are talking about everyone. In Agile methodology, the focus has always been on all stakeholders. Customers want the best product or service, and delivery teams need to focus on quality to meet these expectations.

But how can we deliver a high-quality product or service? By forming a strong, capable, and results-oriented team. How do we achieve such a team? The answer is simple but complex: by recruiting and developing talented people.

The focus on people and their development is not new, but it remains essential. It is important to promote a spirit of evolution, to adopt new technologies, and to encourage continuous learning. This way, we can ensure that our teams remain competitive and capable of delivering quality. 

2. Deliver Value Continuously 

What does delivering value continuously actually mean?nContinuous integration and delivery, incremental improvements, and close collaboration with stakeholders can be the recipe for success as long as we remain adaptable and flexible. For this principle to be applied effectively, it is recommended to actively involve customers, respond quickly to feedback, and dynamically prioritise based on it to promptly address needs.  

Continuous integration and delivery can be achieved through automation, constant feedback, shorter delivery cycles, shorter iterations, and continuous optimisation.

These combined elements can ensure that products and services are always improved and optimized to meet customer expectations.  

3. Make Safety a Prerequisite: Safety, an Essential Premises

When we hear the term safety, our first thought often leads to cybersecurity. This is a natural reflex, given the increasing emphasis on security in the market. 

But is product and service security everything?  No. Clearly, this principle does not refer only to that. Terms such as "psychological safety," "physical safety," and "financial safety" are equally important and should not be unfamiliar to us. 

How can we make safety an essential premise?  By fostering an open culture where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, acknowledging mistakes, and providing feedback, ensuring an environment to innovation and growth.

A safe work environment and economic stability are also crucial factors in creating a sense of safety. It is important to maintain a safe workspace where all physical security standards are met.

Economic stability, on the other hand, is achieved through careful resource management and constant monitoring of financial indicators. Cash flow and financial metrics can be the first to signal the health problems of a company.  

4. Experiment and Learn Rapidly: The Culture of Experimentation and Learning 

We come back to evolution. Promoting a culture of experimentation and rapid learning from failures is vital for continuous improvement and adaptability. 

It’s important to train our teams to be accustomed to the culture of experimentation. Learning from failures leads to curiosity and innovation, developing flexibility, adaptability, and acceptance of uncomfortable situations which, essentially, means growth.   

Equally important is that our teams manage to refine and perfect their processes, products, or services. Now, we have a clearer picture of how the fundamental principles of the Agile Manifesto continue to be relevant.

However, there is still one aspect we have not explored in detail: evolution.  Most of us are familiar with the concept of evolution, but the question might arise: what is the connection between evolution and the subject we are debating here?   

A simple search about technological evolution quickly brings the topic of Artificial Intelligence into the discussion. What is truly intriguing here is how market relevance interconnects with the principles promoted by Modern Agile.   

  • Investments in Research and Development (R&D): Companies need to constantly invest in R&D to innovate and improve the AI technologies they use.  

  • Training and retaining talent: Talent is a crucial resource in the AI field. Companies need to prioritise attracting and training AI specialists.  

  • Adaptability and flexibility: AI can quickly change market requirements and customer expectations. Companies need to be agile, able to quickly adapt, and implement new technologies to meet changing needs.  

  • Strategic collaborations: Partnerships with other companies and research institutions can accelerate innovation and the implementation of AI solutions.  

  • Ethics and responsibility: As AI becomes more integrated into daily operations, companies must address ethical concerns and ensure that the technology is used responsibly.  

  • Data security and privacy: In an era where AI processes immense amounts of data, security and privacy become essential.   

If we were to briefly transpose these ideas into Modern Agile:  

  1. Make People Awesome: Training and retaining talent, strategic collaborations, and respect for people are essential to ensure that stakeholders are valued and actively engaged. 

  2. Deliver Value Continuously: Constant investments in R&D and rapid adaptability allow for the continuous delivery of innovations and improvements, maintaining market relevance. 

  3. Make Safety a Prerequisite: Ensuring data security and privacy, along with addressing ethics and responsibility, are fundamental to building trust and quality in the process. 

  4. Experiment and Learn Rapidly: Adaptability and flexibility, combined with a culture of rapid experimentation and learning, enable companies to adapt to technological changes and market demands. 

Today, we have more access to information than ever before, available within seconds. In the past, we wasted time on search engines, navigating through dozens of web pages, but now we receive information directly without having to waste time browsing through them. 

The question is: why is there reluctance to use such a powerful technology, and why is it difficult to accept the idea that we can have so much power when information itself means power? 

There are several reasons for this reluctance. Firstly, the fear of change generates insecurity and the fear of becoming irrelevant. Many people are afraid that AI will take their jobs or that they will be forced to learn new skills at a rapid pace.  

Secondly, there are concerns about privacy and security. Using AI often involves collecting and analysing large amounts of data, raising issues related to the protection of this information.

Thirdly, the lack of trust in technology can stem from a lack of knowledge or familiarity with how AI works.  On the other hand, the advantages of using AI are numerous. AI can help us develop new skills, make daily tasks easier, provide quick access to information, and optimise work processes by reducing errors and increasing efficiency.  

Advantages in the Medical and Educational Fields  

In the medical field, AI can contribute to the early diagnosis of diseases and the personalisation of treatments, offering faster and more precise solutions for patients.   In education, AI can provide adaptive learning methods that respond to the individual needs of students, thus facilitating more efficient and personalised learning.  

Advantages in Business  

In business, AI can significantly improve data analysis and offer new insights for decision-making.  Machine learning algorithms can analyse massive amounts of data to identify hidden patterns and trends, providing companies with valuable information for better-founded strategies.   

Additionally, AI can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as data entry, invoice processing, and inventory management, thus reducing costs and human errors. It can also optimise the supply chain through accurate demand forecasts, inventory management, and improved logistics, increasing efficiency and reducing operational costs.   

AI enhances customer service through chatbots and virtual assistants, which provide 24/7 support, responding quickly and efficiently to customer inquiries and resolving their problems.   In marketing, AI can analyse customer behaviour and preferences to offer personalised recommendations and targeted marketing campaigns, thereby increasing conversion rates and revenue.  

Advantages in IT  

In the IT field, AI can improve security by detecting anomalies and unusual behaviours in networks, providing a quick response to cyber threats and protecting data and infrastructure.

It can also analyse the performance of IT systems and suggest adjustments to improve efficiency and reduce downtime. Machine learning algorithms can assist in software development and testing, automating the coding process and identifying errors or vulnerabilities faster than human teams. AI can manage and organise large amounts of unstructured data, transforming them into actionable information that can guide business strategies and IT initiatives.   

Additionally, AI systems can provide instant technical support, solving common problems and guiding users through complex processes, thus freeing up IT teams for more complex and strategic tasks. 

Acceptance and use of AI tools can open new opportunities and facilitate faster and more efficient development in various fields, providing us with resources and solutions to improve our lives and help us face future challenges.   

Pillars of Modern Success: Team, Vision, Finances, and Agility  

1. Pay Attention to Your Team 

Encourage team members to learn new and current technologies. Motivate them during project-free periods and strive to bring teamwork and transparent communication to the forefront.   It's important to note that transparency doesn't mean sharing every detail, but rather explaining the fundamentals of decisions and the direction in which the team is heading. We are all more motivated when we have a purpose. 

2. Promote Long-Term Thinking 

Plan strategically and take a comprehensive view. It's important for the team's objectives to be clear and understandable to everyone.   Choose a method of measurement and implement it. Whether they are OKRs or KPIs, for efficient development and delivery, it's important to have metrics that we regularly monitor.  

3. Focus on the Financial Area

Numbers play a crucial role, so manage financial resources correctly to ensure the sustainability and long-term success of projects.   Efficient investments and careful monitoring of costs are fundamental to staying competitive.  

4. Agility, Action, Acceptance 

The times when we accepted that if something works, we don't touch it, are gone – now the focus is on innovation and development.  

Accept evolution, try to use all the tools at your disposal to become stronger through information. Act, be part of the change.  

In a world marked by rapid changes and complex challenges, adaptability and agility become essential for long-term success. By maintaining fundamental values and promoting a culture of experimentation and continuous learning, we can successfully navigate crises and technological innovations.

Focusing on the team, strategic planning, careful management of financial resources, and acceptance of evolution will help us remain competitive and thrive in a constantly transforming, challenging, and obstacle-filled landscape.