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We Donated Over 50,000 Euros as Part of Our Commitment to Create Positive Change in Our Community in the First Half of 2023

We've contributed to the welfare of our community with over 50,000 euros in sponsorships and in-kind donations to support schools in rural areas to improve students’ education, encourage young people to nurture their passion for science and contribute to Code for Romania’s mission of building open-source solutions to solve national social issues.

We Donated Over 50,000 Euros as Part of Our Commitment to Create Positive Change in Our Community in the First Half of 2023

We've contributed to the welfare of our community with over 50,000 euros in sponsorships and in-kind donations to support schools in rural areas to improve students’ education, encourage young people to nurture their passion for science and contribute to Code for Romania’s mission of building open-source solutions to solve national social issues.

Throughout 2023, we’ve remained committed to creating positive change in the IT ecosystem, environment, and community we live, work and do business in, by supporting organisations with a clear mission to achieve long-term impact in education and sustainable development. We joined the Oradea Community Foundation as a Main Sponsor for the Stiintescu Fund in Oradea, Code for Romania as National Sponsor supporting their flagship programme Tech for Social Good and Cluj Community Foundation as a partner to support their efforts to provide laptops and monitors to children studying in schools with low budgets, in Cluj County.

For the past three years, every Easter and Christmas, we encouraged our colleagues to redirect the equivalent sum of their gifts a cause they resonated with the most. This Easter, three organisations benefited from our colleagues’ generosity: the Oradea Community Foundation, Red Cross Romania and Beard Brothers, enabling them to drive their education, humanitarian aid, as well as community support initiatives forward.

"Living in the community adds accountability, which means showing responsibility and taking on an active role in shaping the society we want to live in and conduct our business. Since we've started running a more comprehensive CSR programme, we planted 1,000 trees in Cluj County, supported educational projects such as the Stiintescu Fund in Oradea, and joined Code for Romania in their mission to build a better Romania through technology. We aim to continue to support organisations with a clear vision of bringing positive change in our community, and we are in the process of selecting long-term partners with whom we plan to have an even stronger impact going forward." Dr. Andrea Marlière, CEO at Accesa

Contributing to Shaping the Next Generation of Engineers and Scientists

As the Main Sponsor for the Stiintescu Fund in Oradea, a programme part of a national movement, we had an active role in selecting 10 projects which will improve the quality of education for thousands of students in the Bihor county. From robotics labs, programming workshops, 3D planning, and astronomy labs to scientific experiments that aim to combat food waste in schools, all projects are meant to spark the love of science and align the academic curricula with students' current needs and interests.

"Judging felt like a huge responsibility, knowing that the implementation of these projects has the power to strongly impact the educational environment for students. I was impressed to see initiatives I could only dream about when I was a student myself, such as an astronomy lab in a small school. It was fascinating to see how much we can contribute to improving education in Romania, and I strongly believe that, through these projects, students will be more attracted to STEAM subjects.

Aiming to support a positive learning environment for students, we partnered with the Cluj Community Foundation and donated 130 laptops and 260 monitors to 4 rural schools in the Cluj County, one kindergarten, and an educational centre in Cluj-Napoca, as part of our devices replacement and refurbishment initiative.

Including a laptop and two monitors, each workstation serves children studying TIC (Information and Communication Technology). By having access to modern resources children with learning difficulties can overcome challenges and nurture their passion for science and technology." Amalia Tirla, Local Communities Manager at Accesa

Andra Ciorba, Manager at Researchers Schoolhouse, one of the institutions that benefits from our in-kind donation

"The Accesa team’s contribution is living proof of community solidarity and support for children who deal with challenges in their learning process. Thanks to this donation, we can provide a better learning environment and a school which brings hope and joy into the lives of our students."

Caring for Our Environment and Contributing to a Sustainable Future

We believe that it’s our responsibility to develop our business in a way that safeguards the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, so, for the past few years we’ve been engaged in projects that promote and foster sustainable practices.

By successfully implementing selective waste collection procedures in our offices, annually reducing our e-waste through laptop, monitor and other device donation campaigns, and joining tree planting activities, we’re lowering our impact on the environment.

In 2022, together with Plantam Fapte Bune in Romania we planted 1,000 trees to mark our 18th anniversary and a team of 1,000 people. One year later, our colleagues’ effort paid off, as 90% of the pine trees caught solid roots and thrived.

"Accesa’s team was highly involved, and I was impressed by their determination and team spirit as many of them lent a hand to other sites, even though they had finished planting their lot. With the help of volunteers, private companies, forestry districts and local authorities, our organisation planted over 2,500,000 trees across Romania over 10 years. I believe that once we understand how and why it is essential to contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment, together we can extend our green areas and act responsibly and care for nature. By planting trees, we are improving the quality of the air we breathe, but we’re also helping preserve biodiversity, restore degraded soil, increase water quality, and help local communities grow by bringing more tourism into these areas." Maria Epure, Fundraiser at Plantam Fapte Bune in Romania

Starting with 2023, we’re supporting Code for Romania’s mission to create open-source digital tools that solve social issues. Being a National Sponsor for Code for Romania’s flagship programme, Tech for Social Good, also means we’re contributing to a better civil society and governance for a stronger Romania in the long run.

With the help of a community of 3,000 volunteers, Code for Romania’s current efforts focus on developing 5 projects which will improve teachers’ access to modern learning resources or enable citizens with the right tools to prepare for and stay safe during an earthquake.

Empowering Our Colleagues to be Active Contributors to our Community’s Welfare

Our commitment to our community is as strong as our passion for technology, which is why our people frequently take an active role in driving social initiatives. This Easter, 25% of our colleagues chose to donate the equivalent value of the company gift, helping earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria, 41 kids from low-income families in Bihor County to continue their studies, and people with disabilities in Cluj-Napoca to have access to free and green transport.

Thanks to their generosity, over 11,800 euros enabled Red Cross Romania to bring relief to earthquake victims, Oradea Community Foundation to bridge the education gap between rural and urban, and Beard Brothers to keep providing a better and inclusive life to people with disabilities through their electrical Beard Mobile.

We still have a long way to go, but given the support of our longstanding partners, we are confident that we’ll continue to bring valuable contributions to the IT ecosystem and the broader community while driving forward our vision of using technology to have a meaningful impact.