Large Action Models: Redefining the Future of Hyperautomation

Learn more about Large Action Models and how AI can redefine capabilities, enabling machines to understand, generate language, and autonomously perform actions from the latest article written by Maria Irimias, our Portfolio Service Owner. 

Large Action Models: Redefining the Future of Hyperautomation

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed the way businesses operate, with technologies like Generative AI (GenAI) and Hyperautomation, driving significant advancements.

Today, we shift our focus to the next leap in automation: Large Action Models (LAMs). While GenAI and Hyperautomation have set the stage, LAMs are poised to redefine AI's capabilities, enabling machines to not only understand and generate language but also to autonomously perform complex actions.  

This article explores the evolution of automation from traditional Hyperautomation to a more advanced state using Large Action Models (LAMs). It offers a brief overview of GenAI and Hyperautomation to ensure a clear understanding of the terminology, then introduces LAMs as a powerful tool to extend the capabilities of automation. 

GenAI and LLMs: Overview   

GenAI encompasses AI systems that can produce new content, such as text, images, or music, by learning patterns from existing data. Among the most well-known applications of GenAI are LLMs, which are designed to understand and generate text that closely resembles human language. 

Key Highlights of GenAI: 

  • Neural Network Foundation: GenAI is built on advanced neural networks, particularly transformer models, which enable it to generate coherent and contextually relevant content. 

  • Diverse Applications: From creating written content to powering conversational agents, GenAI has become a crucial tool across a wide range of industries. 

Although GenAI has revolutionised content creation and interaction by mastering language generation, its influence remains primarily within the scope of language. This leads us to the concept of Hyperautomation. 

Hyperautomation: Integrating Advanced AI 

Hyperautomation takes the concept of automation a step further by integrating AI-driven tools to automate complex business processes. Unlike traditional automation, which focuses on specific tasks, Hyperautomation aims to automate entire workflows, utilising AI to handle tasks that require understanding and decision-making. 

Key Points of Hyperautomation: 

  • Comprehensive Automation: Extends automation beyond repetitive tasks to entire processes. 

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: AI models, including LLMs, enable more informed, faster decisions. 

  • Operational Efficiency: By reducing manual intervention, Hyperautomation lowers costs and improves efficiency. 

While Hyperautomation significantly enhances business operations, it still largely depends on pre-defined processes and structured data. The next frontier is to move beyond automation of tasks to automation of actions — this is where LAMs come into play.   

LAMs: The Evolution of Automation  

LAMs represent the next evolution in AI, designed to go beyond language understanding and into the realm of action. LAMs are built on the foundational principles of LLMs but are enhanced with capabilities that allow them to perform complex, context-aware actions autonomously.  

What Are LAMs? Large Action Models or LAMs are AI systems that not only interpret and generate language but also execute complex tasks based on that understanding. They can operate in dynamic environments, make decisions, and take contextually appropriate actions, all without human intervention. 

Key Features of LAMs: 

  • Actionable Intelligence: LAMs can transform language understanding into real-world actions. For instance, at Accesa, our LAM, even on a small scale, can receive an instruction, comprehend it, and subsequently book a desk in our Access-a-Seat solution accordingly. 

  • Context-Awareness: Unlike traditional automation, LAMs consider a broader context—environmental factors, historical data, user preferences—when executing tasks. This makes their actions more accurate and relevant. 

  • Autonomous Decision-Making: LAMs do not merely follow pre-programmed instructions; they can make decisions on-the-fly, adapting to changes in the environment or objectives. This is particularly valuable in unpredictable settings such as logistics or emergency response. 

Hyperautomation with LAMs take automation to an entirely new level, moving beyond the capabilities of traditional Hyperautomation by introducing advanced features that significantly enhance process optimisation, decision-making, and task execution.

Unlike conventional systems, LAMs can analyse business processes in real-time, continuously monitoring and identifying areas for improvement. This dynamic approach allows for immediate adjustments, ensuring that operations remain efficient and optimised under varying conditions. In addition to process optimisation, LAMs excel in intelligent decision-making.

Leveraging vast amounts of data, LAMs make informed, data-driven decisions that adapt to changing circumstances, allowing businesses to respond more effectively to unforeseen challenges and opportunities. This adaptability makes LAMs invaluable in environments where quick, accurate decision-making is critical. 

Perhaps, the most transformative capability of LAMs is their ability to autonomously execute tasks that were previously considered too complex or variable for automation. By integrating contextual understanding and real-time data, LAMs can handle intricate tasks without human intervention, pushing the boundaries of what automation can achieve. This autonomous task execution not only improves efficiency but also opens new possibilities for automating processes that were once thought to be out of reach. 

Advantages over Hyperautomation: 

  • Beyond Pre-defined Processes: While Hyperautomation automates known processes, LAMs can handle unstructured tasks, adapting to new situations without needing reprogramming. 

  • Dynamic Adaptability: LAMs continuously learn and adapt from their actions, improving over time and becoming more efficient in handling complex tasks. 

  • Scalable Action Automation: LAMs can scale across different environments and industries, from personalised customer interactions to autonomous industrial operations, significantly broadening the scope of what can be automated. 

Applications of LAMs: Potential Uses 

The potential applications of LAMs are vast and span across various industries, bringing the promise of Hyperautomation to a new level. Here are a few key areas where LAMs are expected to make a significant impact: 

  • Industrial Automation: LAMs can be deployed in manufacturing plants to autonomously adjust production lines based on real-time data, optimising output, and reducing downtime without human intervention. 

  • Smart Cities: In urban environments, LAMs could manage traffic flow, energy distribution, and emergency responses, making real-time decisions that improve safety and efficiency. 

  • Personalised Customer Experiences: In retail and customer service, LAMs can provide highly personalized recommendations and support by understanding and acting on individual customer preferences and behaviors in real-time.  

Our own approach to LAMs 

During this year's edition of Accesa's hackathon, a tradition that continues to foster innovation, we saw several remarkable concepts highlighting how GenAI could be integrated into our solutions.  

Among these innovative ideas, three stood out for their impressive use of Gen AI in diverse ways such as: dynamic reporting, AI workplace solutions, and a seat booking assistant. To demonstrate the usage of LAMs further, we will focus on the third idea, the seat booking assistant. In today's hybrid work environment, where flexibility and efficiency are essential, the seat booking assistant demonstrates how LAMs can significantly enhance team collaboration and productivity.

By creating a specialised LAM integrated into the widely used platform, Microsoft Teams, the assistant consolidates all necessary tools and information into a single application that employees already depend on. Furthermore, the solution has optimised office utilisation by promoting in-office collaboration among teams and simplifying the booking of desks through natural language requests, thereby enhancing the management of physical space, and encouraging a more dynamic work environment. The assistant is designed to be conversational, secure, and modular, with capabilities such as finding and booking available seats, activating cards for special occasions, and keeping a conversation history to optimise interactions. 

The solution itself integrates multiple systems—such as ServiceNow, Access-a-Seat, UiPath, and our Legacy Facility Management Application—into Teams, resulting in a more streamlined, efficient work environment where teams can collaborate more effectively, driving greater productivity and satisfaction in the office.  

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Overall, the seat booking assistant represents a significant step towards integrating AI and automation in the workplace to improve efficiency and user satisfaction.   


As we transition from Gen AI and Hyperautomation to the era of LAMs, the possibilities for autonomous, context-aware automation are expanding dramatically. LAMs represent the next frontier in AI, where the focus shifts from merely understanding and generating language to taking meaningful, autonomous actions based on that understanding. 

Businesses that embrace LAMs will be at the forefront of innovation, driving efficiencies that were previously unimaginable and creating new opportunities in a wide range of industries. The future of automation is not just about processing tasks—it is about making intelligent decisions and executing actions that drive real-world outcomes. 

The evolution from GenAI to LAMs marks a transformative shift in the AI landscape, setting the stage for a new era of intelligent, autonomous systems capable of reshaping industries and enhancing human capabilities like never before.